• Eigen productie
  • Kwaliteitsproducten
  • Exclusieve campingmeubelen en -accessoires
  • Eigene Produktion
  • Qualitätsprodukte
  • Exklusive Campingmöbel und Zubehör
  • Own production
  • Quality products
  • Exclusive camping furniture and accessories
  • Propre production
  • Produits de qualité
  • Mobilier et accessoires de camping exclusifs


On this page, you will find the digital catalogs of CAMPKING, DUKDALF, and DEFA.NL.

Click on a catalog to open the browsable online version, where you can easily search for the products you need. If you want to receive the digital version of the catalog, please fill in your details on this page.

Would you prefer a paper version? Then send an email to info@umefa.nl with the name of the desired catalog and your delivery address. In our webshop, you can easily view all articles and retrieve specific product details based on various search criteria.


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